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Modular Flower stands Shop-in-Shop

Modular Flower stands


Modular flower stands and their shop-within-a-shop concept are a unique approach to selling flowers and other botanical products. This concept is particularly convenient for shopping malls, department stores and also outdoor sales areas.


Modular flower stands are a changeable, highlighted retail space that stands out visually from its surroundings. These stands consist of modular components that can be quickly and easily assembled and used depending on the size of the room.


In this article, we will look at what modular flower stands are available from us, ColorWood Latvia. We will also summarize their biggest advantages based on sales promotion.


The main benefits of modular flower stands

Modular Flower stands benefits


The concept of modular flower stands in a shop-in-shop offers various benefits for both the customer and the point of sale. As flower sales grow, they become an important product in the garden segment. ColorwoodLatvia, in cooperation with the Norwegian company Smart Supply, has developed a great solution that has been implemented in more than 1000 outlets in 2 years.


Modular flower stands can bring the following benefits to supermarket chains:

  1. Increase in sales and store profit up to 200%;
  2. A single, eye-catching design in line with the floral design;
  3. Space saving – flowers can be arranged on several floors;
  4. Faster flower turnover, enabling customers to buy fresh flowers;
  5. Easily movable and modular stand for efficiency;
  6. Sustainable products, made from renewable materials;
  7. Adjustable stand size depending on the store space.


ColorWoodLatvia’s experience in the Norwegian market has been very successful. Several supermarkets got their sales increased by a whole 200% or more. One of the main reasons for that is the attractive design and orderliness, which encourages buying.


But of course, as mentioned above, the increase in sales that modular flower stands bring is only one of the benefits. ColorWoodLatvia has received additional feedback on the easy use for store staff. The stands can be moved easily and quickly if a store rearrangement is needed.


ColorwoodLatvia flower stand for supermarket


Modular Flower stands

ColorwoodLatvia modular flower stands are made from simple wood that has been minimally treated. In the photo above you can see an example of a wooden flower display stand. These stands  are easy to repair and can be renewed if necessary. Also, the flower stands can easily be disposed of, such as any other timber at the end of their service life.


The modular wooden flower stands consist of more than 20 elements. The base of the stand is constructed of rolling ladder-type step modules fitted with wooden back and side walls. ColorwoodLatvia also offers an island model. The concept includes LED lighting, price sign holders, poster frames, and steel trays. Wooden flower stands can be complemented by separately movable triangular stands with buckets for cut flowers, as well as wooden boxes on wheels.


Flower stands are both functional and attractive. Flower sellers can use these stands to display various products, starting from fresh flowers and plants to flower arrangements, vases, and other accessories.


ColorwoodLatvia modular flower stands – a sales boosting solution

The fast pace of the world, the mobility of people, and the concentration of trade in certain areas – shopping centers – is a logical evolutionary process. We do not know where it will go from here, but we can be sure that there will be no rapid changes in the upcoming years. Surely shopping centers will maintain their influence. Therefore we are sure that there will be competition for space in these stores. For this reason, shopping centers are offering additional services, such as beauty and catering services. 


These wooden stands are especially convenient for shoppers to buy flowers, flower arrangements, and various houseplants at. Flowers tend to be fresher when they are in dynamic circulation, as they are bought more quickly that way. So, if the logistics are working well, the supermarket is the place where flowers will be fresh. And customers will buy them repeatedly and become loyal to that particular store.


By working with ColorWood Latvia, your company will be able to increase the sales of flowers in the supermarket chain by attracting new customers. And strengthen the loyalty of existing customers.

ColorWood Latvia is part of the SprintLab group, an alliance of companies based on marketing expertise. This is why ColorwoodLatvia’s customers receive both the manufacturer’s price and the quality of products based on marketing knowledge. Which helps to sell and increase the brand value of the products at retail.


We invite you to take a look at our other articles focused on promoting the company’s sales, such as How the choice of product display stands affects brand awareness and Wooden promo accessories for beer marketing.


Hopefully this article was useful and gave you an extra insight into the modular flower stands shop-in-shop concept from ColorWood Latvia!